Monday, August 24, 2009

Apple Centre: My favourite fruit.

Sound It Out!

Paul Dempsey

Apple Store, run by LIVE.

I caught wind (I got the standard e-newsletter) of Paul Dempsey playing a set at the Apple Store last week and decided to check it out.

I heard there was limited space so to get there early, 8.15pm for a 9pm start? Not that early? WAY EARLY!

Itunes were giving out those around the neck passes with a Paul Dempsey card inside the plastic sleeve. First thought was “AWESOME! I needed a new tag holder for my uni pass. Now, I don’t have to buy one.”

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I’m down with the cheap ‘n’ free.

Once I got past the onslaught of freeness I realised what great marketing. You put a bunch of music loving kiddies into the Apple Store by choice to see a free band whilst surrounded by pretty, pretty and EXPENSIVE Apple merchandise and cue salivating.

I believe the words “I want” came out of my mouth even when I wasn’t staring at the God that is Paul Dempsey. God. Don’t care what you say. God!

SO, back to the gig.

The crowd spanned all three floors of the Apple Store, heads turned dutifully to Mr Dempsey.

He played all new songs from the recently released album of which, I am yet to buy, as well as a brilliant cover of Betty Davis Eyes even if I somehow prefer the Gwyneth Paltrow version. I can’t believe I just admitted to that.

The venue was dramatic and absolutely fit for music consumption. I’d really like to know if they were thinking about live music when the building was refurbished for the likes of Apple?

The glass surroundings and the lighting made it feel intimite...thought not as much as i'd like, giggity, giggity... between the fans and Dempsey, even though hundreds of passers by stopped, stared and took pictures outside.

I think this can be equally attributed to both PD and crew. Solo PD pulled off a closeness with the crowd which I think is the reason he has a loyal fan base. He works for it.

He played the two singles from his solo album ‘Ramona was a waitress’ and ‘Out the Airlock’.

And was consistently on game all night. I’m always amazed that such a tall creature can emit such a high pitched sound.

To cut it short: Awesome.


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