Friday, January 29, 2010

Boy and Bear

Boy and Bear- Mexican Mavis

Statement about Good God

Dear Good God Small Club,

While it was nice to know that you let the boys from Mumford and Sons put the moves on you in the basement of La Campana, I thought you slutted it up a bit much.

You just spread your legs and let everyone in. I mean, please, Five bands and how many audience members?

You packed a lot into such a tight space...if you know what I mean...

You don't?


Well, you see... 5 songs a band... not exactly time to make love to the audience there. Just crash, strum, thankyou man.

I didn't see it all happen but, from what I did see, I thought maybe Boy and Bear must be used to the premature ending because they pulled off really well, leaving you a little wet between the ooh ahh, kind of panting for more.

Others like the man who's name you cannot remember (and for good reason too) seemed to just prod you, not really breaking through. Not to mention he was a little rude... yeah, hardly even a hello.

Sherlocks Daughter tried though. They attempted to make love to you with the crazy noise and the vocals (althought the mating ritual happening between two of the band members on stage might have left you feeling a little unwanted... she might as well have marked her territory on him).

All in all, you made everyone feel claustrophobic and a little uneasy. I really think you need your throat checked too, because the crap coming out of that was God aweful. You were distorted at times.

I think maybe you should drop everyone a line before we got to an intimate booty call and realise it's actually an out of control orgy.

Jus' Sayin'.

Love Marie

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hello beard lovers

This is a Youtube channel I watch called Wheezy Waiter. He's funny and cute and you kind of want to touch his beard, don't you?


So what does this guy have to do with music you say?


I was watching his back catalogue for entertainment purposes the other day and it involves the 'Tour De Beard' series which is with his band Driftless Pony Club.

Now, if I really like someone I automatically assume their band is shirt (you'll get it if you watch the video).

Thankfully I've been wrong. This time included.

This is Driftless Pony Club:

They also have an amusing channel here.

Booyah! Also, thinking of making my own channel. Content suggestions?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Untasteable Muffins

So the art and music collective of Uninhabitable Mansions seem to be pushing out rad music babies like musical rabits on viagra.

So here's a list of checkage:

Pursesnatchers, a Brooklyn band making sweet, sweet indie. They're on Death by Audio records. Who seem to have it going on in the sexiest of ways.

I say this because Grooms is on Death by Audio.

So, Dirty On Purpose. Freakin' awesome. Now imagine if that awesome was said by Daggot in Angry Beavers? Yeah, that's how awesome they are. Norb would agree.

Dirty On Purpose- Mind Blindness

"Trouble Deep" by New Mexicoe from Pete Shambler on Vimeo.

New Mexicoe- Trouble Deep

You can download some of their stuff for free HERE.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Kings of Convenience- I'd Rather Dance With You

Saturday, January 2, 2010